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Virtual Serial Ports over Ethernet

Editorial Team Editorial Team
Updated: Sep 19, 2024

When connecting a serial device to a remote machine over Ethernet, virtual serial ports can be used to substitute physical ports, if there are none or they are in use. Serial to Ethernet Connector does both of these tasks. It can be used to send and receive serial data over LAN or the Internet.

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Using Virtual Serial Ports

Industrial automation systems and production lines gain significant benefits by routing their RS232 data over network. These solutions are also useful when dealing with serially-based point-of-sale equipment that needs to be accessed from a remote location. The point of using a virtual serial connection is that users interact with the hardware as if it was locally attached to the computer.

Virtual COM Port Usage Scenario

You need to access a peripheral device at a considerable distance from your computer. The application that will process the information from the device is installed on your machine, but it has no physical serial interface. Serial to Ethernet Connector can be used in this case to establish communication. It will create a virtual port that can be accessed by the program.
Serial over Ethernet Connector

How to Set Up Serial to Ethernet Connector

Download Serial to Ethernet Connector on the computer that is physically connected to the device (the server) and the one that needs remote access to the peripheral (the client). The client machine can be either physical or virtual.
Download COM port redirector
Launch the app on the server and configure the connection settings.
Launch the app on the server
Confirm the creation of your Server connection. This makes the device available on the network.
Create client connection
Start Serial to Ethernet Connector on the client machine and click “Connect” to establish a connection with the previously shared device.
The client now can exert direct remote control over the device. You have all the functionality of a locally attached device.
Create client connection
The software operates as a virtual null-modem connection and emulates all of the functionality and characteristics of the remote physical port.

How to Create Virtual Serial Ports on Linux

Serial to Ethernet Connector on Linux provides the same functionality as the Windows version of the application and is easy to install. But there are also alternative methods to send serial data over the network using tools that are included as part of most Linux distributions.
Linux virtual serial port over ethernet
The first option is to use netcat to pipe serial data. This can become difficult to manage, since you need to open a separate instance of netcat for each serial connection. You can create a xinetd service (a text file called testservice in the xinetd.d directory) to create persistent connections like this:

service testservice
port = 5900
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/bin/netcat
server_args = "-l 5900 < /dev/ttyS0"

It will also be necessary to change /dev/ttyS0 to the name of the connected serial device.

Some other tools that have been tested and can provide virtual serial port over Ethernet on Linux machines are:

• ser2net - Serial to Network Proxy (ser2net)

This utility allows users to connect to a serial port from the network. It’s a tool for serial port setup and configuration. It is also useful for modifying port parameters as well as controlling and monitoring serial interfaces.

• remtty - remote tty

Short for "remote tty”, remtty uses pseudo ttys to establish network connections. Using this tool enables Linux users to replicate the functionality of Cisco's Windows-based Dialout application and use direct connections to machines with dial-out modems to fax and send messages.

What is a Serial Port Emulator?

When using a serial port emulator, data generated from a serial application or device is converted to information that can be transferred over an IP-based network. Once the COM signals are in TCP/IP format they can be transmitted over any IP-compatible network such as your company’s LAN or the Internet, and a virtual serial port provides all of the functionality of a physical COM interface. Data is converted in both directions to allow network transmission and then turned back to serial signals for interaction with devices and programs.

Serial over Ethernet software allows users to connect remote, network-connected serial ports and devices. It accomplishes this by creating virtual serial ports that emulate physical interfaces. With a serial port emulation utility, you can use computers without COM ports to connect to remote serial devices without any additional hardware or cabling.

Frequently Asked Questions

A virtual serial port is emulated to enable extra serial ports in a system without the need to install additional hardware. Any name can be assigned to a virtual port and it is possible to create a large number of them on one computer.
The only real limit is the amount of available resources, such as RAM and processing power.
The main reason to use them is legacy software that needs a serial interface to communicate. Software that creates virtual serial ports over Ethernet allows users to upgrade to newer hardware without having to worry about compatibility with older COM-reliant software.
A network serial port is a virtualized serial port associated with a network socket on a host computer.

Network serial port It expands the range and utility of serial equipment by eliminating the need for a direct connection to access the peripherals. Another benefit of network serial ports is the ability to share interfaces among multiple users.
Serial to Ethernet Connector
Access remote serial port over IP Network for Windows
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